Why Mental Training?- October 2021


As many of you know by now, I was an elite-level gymnast. I suffered from anxiety, fear, and low self-confidence just to name a few. I trained over 30+ hours a week but spent 0 hours training my mental game. I wish I knew then what I know now about mental training and how it could have immensely helped me.


What is mental training?

Mental training is about improving your attitude, mental toughness, and mental wellbeing to help you perform your best.


How does it work?

It works by identifying limiting beliefs, embracing all emotions, and building confidence. It gives the athlete the ability to concentrate in the present and keep focused on the task; this is the KEY to achieve peak performance in any sport. Often, mistakes in competition occur because the gymnast is anxious and is too distracted by irrelevant stimuli. Mental training also allows gymnasts to develop coping skills to deal with setbacks and errors. It allows gymnasts emotional control which is the prerequisite to getting into the zone for peak performance!


Think about it…How many of your gymnasts deal with…Fear? Low self-confidence? Unable to handle emotions and shut down? Have a difficult time handling the pressure and nerves of competition. As much as we think we can will our way to be more mentally strong… You can’t! Mental strength needs to be trained just as you condition to train your muscles! An athlete needs to train both physical and mental strength to reach their peak performance!


Interested in learning more about mental training specific for pre-season? I am so excited to announce that I will be part of Betsy Bootcamp Team Season Wellness Kickoff!

It is Saturday, October 23rd. It will be an awesome day filled with…

  • Mental training for pre-season

  • Nutrition for pre-season

  • Yoga

  • Fitness for pre-season

The mental training will include many tips and tools to deal with nerves and pressure! If your gymnast struggles with competing the way they practice, this is a session you don’t want them to miss! Interested? Send me an email to ariana@themindfulgymnast.com and I will get you connected with more information!

 Follow me on Instagram: @themindfulgymnast and Facebook: Ariana LeBlanc 



Practicing Gratitude - November 2021


What Does it Mean to be Mentally Tough? - September 2021