Team Training

Team Training

Help your entire gym become more mindful and shift their mindset.

I believe that training the brain is the 5th event in gymnastics. You and your team spend countless hours in the gym working on becoming stronger, faster, more flexible, and working on progressions to learn new skills. But how often do your gymnasts suffer setbacks? Mental blocks? Don’t always compete how they practice? Training the brain is just as important as training the body. Let me help teach your gymnasts how to train their brain so they can learn how to overcome mental blocks, setbacks, and work with anxiety. 

Team training can be completed in person or via Zoom sessions. Sessions are 30 minutes and will be completed once per month or on an as needed basis. All sessions are interactive and include the following topics: 

  • Train your Brain Like a Muscle – Using Mindfulness to Train the Brain

    • Benefits of training your brain and using mindfulness

    • Guided meditation

  • Using the Breath as Your Anchor

    • How it affects the mind and body

    • Guided breathing

  • Setting Intention

    • Goal setting (Smart Goals)

    • Creating your vision

  • Mind Guides the Body – You Are What You Think

    • Cognitive triad

    • Feeding the good wolf/bad wolf

  • Building Confidence

    • The matchmaker in your brain

    • Creating “I statements”

  • Embracing Fear and Learning How to Work With It

    • De-catastrophizing fear

    • Mental choreography

    • Guided imagery for fear

  • Performing Your Best

    • Control vs. uncontrollable

    • Working with your worry mind

    • Process vs. outcome

    • Shifting your view on pressure

  • Learning to Become a Comeback Specialist

    • Growth mindset vs. fixed mindset

    • Learning how to make a comeback after injury or setback

Team Training Registration Request Form

If you have been approved for this rate, you may purchase now.

Team Training